He loves you Enough to tell you the truth
God will not allow us to change His truths. He will allow us to believe untruths, but that does not mean that He will ever change His truth. We live in a day and age where truth is relative and untruths are tolerated. The truth that God is the giver of life, we aren’t. He also determines when life begins, we do not. Many see God as a tyrant or as an authoritative parent who is always saying “no”. Think back when you were a young child. How did you feel when your Mom or Dad said “No” to something they knew would hurt you but you just knew it would be the greatest thing ever? You got angry – upset even. We aren’t too far removed from that child, even as adults. We still get angry when we have a loving and wise Father who whispers in our ear, “That’s not my best for you.” There are a lot of angry people out there that get even angrier when God whispers truth into their ear. However, He loves us enough to tell us the truth because He wants our best.
He loves you Enough not to let your choices affect His purposes
We kill unborn babies, we choose to live together rather than marry, we try to change the definition of marriage, we even try and change the way He made us because we don’t like who we are. His Love and Purpose will not change even when we attempt to change. He gave us free will and a choice because He knew that we would only come to resent a God that demanded that we love Him the way He is and the way He has made His creation. So out of love for us, He has allowed us choice, but our choices will not ultimately change Him or His will. It is so sad today to see people try and fit God into their lives rather than them fitting into His will. His will is perfect. It doesn’t change; it is truly the only constant. Why is there so much pain in the world? Most often because of our bad and broken choices that cause us great pain. Remember again, when you were a child and your parent finally “gave in” and allowed you to eat all the candy you wanted or allowed you to roller skate without elbow pads? What happened? You got a tummy ache or you crashed and skinned your elbows. Then who was there to stay up with you all night as you were throwing up or bandaged your boo boos? Well, now you have a Father in Heaven that loves you so much, He will bandage your boo boos and He does stay up all night with us when we are in pain. However, He has been whispering in your ear all this time “Don’t do that… it’s not your best. You will get hurt. I love you and I don’t want you get hurt.” Sometimes we choose to harm others or to harm ourselves and then we cry out to Him in pain and desperation. You can be god of your own life, but His purposes and plan will not change. Be careful, you may find that one day you have not truly chosen the one true Plan, Jesus Christ and His best. There may be no turning back at that point.
He loves you Enough to not change, even when you demand that He should
God does not change. How do you change perfection? Isn’t that exactly what satan wanted God to do in the beginning? He wanted God to change and to step down from His rightful place because satan thought He could do it better and was better. He was not and he is not. And, sorry, we aren’t either. You may think that the “thing” you most desire or the “way” you want your life to be will be the best thing ever if you could just have it. You have sex, get pregnant, and then you want to just “get rid of the unborn child”. In the moment, you think this is the best solution and if you could just get it over with, it would all be okay. Then after the abortion, you can’t shake the deep, throbbing wound of killing your child. You live with a constant reminder that “I have a child in Heaven that I will see someday and he/she knows that I took their life”. What do you do with that pain? Well, of course God still loves you. He’s taking care of your child. He is loving you and trying to heal your pain. But, what if… you had listened to Him in the first place and allowed His best and let Him help you through this crisis of belief? Maybe He would have come up with another plan that would have prevented your pain and sorrow. His plan is always best. He will always come up with another option that leads to the least pain and the most reward. However, we want to be our own god and be in charge of what we do. Then we wonder why we have so much pain.
Maybe you don’t like how God made you. Too fat? Too thin? Not pretty enough, not strong enough? A boy in a girl’s body or a girl in a boy’s body? What you see may not be the truth. You may demand change but God knows what’s coming. He knows the hurt you will continue to feel and He knows that His original will always be better than the counterfeit. I know, shouldn’t we just let people be “who they want to be?” Well, truthfully, that is the way God’s plan works. He has given us free will choice and He will allow us to choose what we desire for ourselves. But it doesn’t mean that He will ever change His mind and say that what you chose was actually better than His plan. His best is to take us in His arms and love us to truth. To help us see who we really are, rather than just to give in and give us what we think we want. However, many choose to shun that love and make their own way. He still doesn’t change and His love is still there. However, so much pain, so much anger, so much resentment – He sees it. He knows that we resent Him. But why? Because you didn’t make me the way I wanted you to? You are not God. You are perfect just the way you are. Let Him show you – or choose your own way. However, you may have more pain than you ever had before. Our ways often lead to more brokenness and hurt.
He loves you Enough to love you in spite of your brokenness
Will God continue to love us even when we choose our own way? Yes. Absolutely, yes. Will we all enter into His best and into the Family of God? No. Absolutely, no. You see, a loving God will continue to love us, even when we choose our own way, choose to be our own god, make our own choices. He will continue to seek after us, go find us in our broken places, and bring us home to heal. However, if we continue to reject His love and His Son, Jesus Christ, we will not be a part of the Family of God. Nothing changes that - not even us. Why would a loving God continue to love me in my own brokenness but not just “allow me to continue to reject Him and His sacrifice?” Because He will never stop being God – He will never stop knowing what is best for us. There will come a day when you must either see that God’s best is best and choose to follow Him; otherwise, you never will. You will always want your own way and want to be your own God. Again, remember when you were a child and your Dad wouldn’t allow you to play with kids that were only going to hurt you? God is our loving Father and He is preparing a place for us - a place of Hope, Love, Life, and Honor. A place to dwell that will have no sadness, anger, pain, hurt, or shame. A place where He is God and it will be our joy to worship Him and be in relationship with Him. If you can’t acknowledge that you’re not God you will not ever see the perfect love of your Father. You will always try and get your own way and you will not care if you hurt others in the process. God wants His children to be safe, not to continue to hurt. He sacrificed His son so that you could be in the Family of God. However, you must see your lack and His sufficiency. If you can’t see Him at that point, you never will. Be careful, that day is coming.
God will not allow us to change His truths. He will allow us to believe untruths, but that does not mean that He will ever change His truth. We live in a day and age where truth is relative and untruths are tolerated. The truth that God is the giver of life, we aren’t. He also determines when life begins, we do not. Many see God as a tyrant or as an authoritative parent who is always saying “no”. Think back when you were a young child. How did you feel when your Mom or Dad said “No” to something they knew would hurt you but you just knew it would be the greatest thing ever? You got angry – upset even. We aren’t too far removed from that child, even as adults. We still get angry when we have a loving and wise Father who whispers in our ear, “That’s not my best for you.” There are a lot of angry people out there that get even angrier when God whispers truth into their ear. However, He loves us enough to tell us the truth because He wants our best.
He loves you Enough not to let your choices affect His purposes
We kill unborn babies, we choose to live together rather than marry, we try to change the definition of marriage, we even try and change the way He made us because we don’t like who we are. His Love and Purpose will not change even when we attempt to change. He gave us free will and a choice because He knew that we would only come to resent a God that demanded that we love Him the way He is and the way He has made His creation. So out of love for us, He has allowed us choice, but our choices will not ultimately change Him or His will. It is so sad today to see people try and fit God into their lives rather than them fitting into His will. His will is perfect. It doesn’t change; it is truly the only constant. Why is there so much pain in the world? Most often because of our bad and broken choices that cause us great pain. Remember again, when you were a child and your parent finally “gave in” and allowed you to eat all the candy you wanted or allowed you to roller skate without elbow pads? What happened? You got a tummy ache or you crashed and skinned your elbows. Then who was there to stay up with you all night as you were throwing up or bandaged your boo boos? Well, now you have a Father in Heaven that loves you so much, He will bandage your boo boos and He does stay up all night with us when we are in pain. However, He has been whispering in your ear all this time “Don’t do that… it’s not your best. You will get hurt. I love you and I don’t want you get hurt.” Sometimes we choose to harm others or to harm ourselves and then we cry out to Him in pain and desperation. You can be god of your own life, but His purposes and plan will not change. Be careful, you may find that one day you have not truly chosen the one true Plan, Jesus Christ and His best. There may be no turning back at that point.
He loves you Enough to not change, even when you demand that He should
God does not change. How do you change perfection? Isn’t that exactly what satan wanted God to do in the beginning? He wanted God to change and to step down from His rightful place because satan thought He could do it better and was better. He was not and he is not. And, sorry, we aren’t either. You may think that the “thing” you most desire or the “way” you want your life to be will be the best thing ever if you could just have it. You have sex, get pregnant, and then you want to just “get rid of the unborn child”. In the moment, you think this is the best solution and if you could just get it over with, it would all be okay. Then after the abortion, you can’t shake the deep, throbbing wound of killing your child. You live with a constant reminder that “I have a child in Heaven that I will see someday and he/she knows that I took their life”. What do you do with that pain? Well, of course God still loves you. He’s taking care of your child. He is loving you and trying to heal your pain. But, what if… you had listened to Him in the first place and allowed His best and let Him help you through this crisis of belief? Maybe He would have come up with another plan that would have prevented your pain and sorrow. His plan is always best. He will always come up with another option that leads to the least pain and the most reward. However, we want to be our own god and be in charge of what we do. Then we wonder why we have so much pain.
Maybe you don’t like how God made you. Too fat? Too thin? Not pretty enough, not strong enough? A boy in a girl’s body or a girl in a boy’s body? What you see may not be the truth. You may demand change but God knows what’s coming. He knows the hurt you will continue to feel and He knows that His original will always be better than the counterfeit. I know, shouldn’t we just let people be “who they want to be?” Well, truthfully, that is the way God’s plan works. He has given us free will choice and He will allow us to choose what we desire for ourselves. But it doesn’t mean that He will ever change His mind and say that what you chose was actually better than His plan. His best is to take us in His arms and love us to truth. To help us see who we really are, rather than just to give in and give us what we think we want. However, many choose to shun that love and make their own way. He still doesn’t change and His love is still there. However, so much pain, so much anger, so much resentment – He sees it. He knows that we resent Him. But why? Because you didn’t make me the way I wanted you to? You are not God. You are perfect just the way you are. Let Him show you – or choose your own way. However, you may have more pain than you ever had before. Our ways often lead to more brokenness and hurt.
He loves you Enough to love you in spite of your brokenness
Will God continue to love us even when we choose our own way? Yes. Absolutely, yes. Will we all enter into His best and into the Family of God? No. Absolutely, no. You see, a loving God will continue to love us, even when we choose our own way, choose to be our own god, make our own choices. He will continue to seek after us, go find us in our broken places, and bring us home to heal. However, if we continue to reject His love and His Son, Jesus Christ, we will not be a part of the Family of God. Nothing changes that - not even us. Why would a loving God continue to love me in my own brokenness but not just “allow me to continue to reject Him and His sacrifice?” Because He will never stop being God – He will never stop knowing what is best for us. There will come a day when you must either see that God’s best is best and choose to follow Him; otherwise, you never will. You will always want your own way and want to be your own God. Again, remember when you were a child and your Dad wouldn’t allow you to play with kids that were only going to hurt you? God is our loving Father and He is preparing a place for us - a place of Hope, Love, Life, and Honor. A place to dwell that will have no sadness, anger, pain, hurt, or shame. A place where He is God and it will be our joy to worship Him and be in relationship with Him. If you can’t acknowledge that you’re not God you will not ever see the perfect love of your Father. You will always try and get your own way and you will not care if you hurt others in the process. God wants His children to be safe, not to continue to hurt. He sacrificed His son so that you could be in the Family of God. However, you must see your lack and His sufficiency. If you can’t see Him at that point, you never will. Be careful, that day is coming.